É um orgulho de ler, sobre lorna, meu amor e um karinho,Eterno.
Boa noite, meu nome é Andreildo Lornadele da silva, sou muito honrado ter sobrenome Lornadele,quero dizer um abraço atodos vcs.Lornadele…
espero familia lornadele para rencomtralos vocé
me número de celular do Brasil . motogrosso.cuiaba.. (65)92009768
sou lornadele da mais do brasil mais eu que ria conhecer do mesmo nome meu oo descupa sobre nome meu lornadele
eu sou de cuiaba matogrosso pretendo en contra pessoas com sobreno lornadele
Eu sou de cuiaba matogroso brasil quero en contrar familia com sobre nome,e de LORNADELE
I was looking for the Matthew e-mail address and I find this information. I am very sad because I have a very good remember of every body in your family. Lorna was a very positive woman. I am very sad and I pray to God for Lorna and all the family. Excuse-me for my bad english.
Dear Norm and Family. I’m an old nursing friend from Park Allen days. When Lornadele went to Assam the young people gave her a nursing text to take with you. May God comfort all of you at the sad time.
Shirley Ferry(Neuman)
Our deepest sympathy at this time of great loss. May you find peace with your loved ones.
Malcolm, Rose and Aydan Smith
Dear Norman, Stephen, Carmen, Peter, Matthew, Kathryn, Phillip, and families,
Our sincere sympathy to all of you on the loss of Lorna. She was an integral part of your family and we’re sure her passing will leave a big hole in your lives. She will be truly missed in the community as well.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Bud & Sharon Cockwill
Norman and family,
We were saddened to hear of Lorna’s passing. Please accept our sympathies for you and all your family and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
Bill and Vicki Penrod
Strathmore, AB
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