Keefick un Gidi,
How are you?
Gidi, we have so much to be thankful for in having known you and being a part of your life. You were a kind, gentle and caring man. You had an amazing smile that could light up a room. A firm handshake that let everyone know you meant business. A kind and warm heart, that always made us feel welcome, and when you greeted us your kisses were real and not just a wisp on the cheek. Your eyes would light up when we came in the door, and to us thats all we needed. Even though we are thousands of Kilometers away , you were always with us. When any of our family came to Calgary, my self David, my wife Veronica or my sons Ashley and Lindsey, you were the first person we came to see when we arrived and the last person we saw before we left. Coming to Calgary will never quite be the same again.
You hold a very special place in our hearts, that even death cannot remove. Even though you’ve only been gone a few days we miss you already. The earth is just not quite the same without you in it. God holds a special seat for you in Heaven. We truly wished that we could have been there with you to say Goodbye and till we meet again. We love you and you will be in our hearts forever, and you will forever live on in your Great grandsons, help them to be the kind of man that you were, greatly respected by all.
May God Keep you in the palm of his hand until we meet again.
Vichnayat Pamyat (Veech Na Yat Pom Yat) phonetic saying for the reading
Rest in Peace.
Love Grandson David Habib wife Veronica great Grandsons, Ashley and Lindsey
To our good friend Khalil and his family,we offer our deepest sympathies. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
We are truly saddened by the death of Mr Kobrosly. Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you. May God bless his soul and may he rest in peace!
Mr. and Mrs. Ibrahim Anis Osman and family – from Rafid, Lebanon
Kemal and Samira (Osman) Assaf
Samia Osman
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