Dear Martin, Ann and family.
Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss. Although I never knew your mother she sounds a wonderful person from the dedications posted and must be sadly missed.
I came across this website while researching my Pratt family tree as Joan was my 2nd Cousin once removed (which would make us third cousins. I can trace the Pratt family back to the late 1500’s and have my tree on I reside in Somerset, England now having been born and brought up in London.
Please feel free to contact me should you wish and I would be more than happy to show you my research for the family. My email address is
Once again please accept my sincere condolences.
Stewart Pratt.
Dear Martin, Ann & family:
I was saddened to read of your Mom’s recent passing. I have been a member of St. John Church for over 55 years and during this time came to be one of many people Joan touched during her years.
Joan and Doug shared a special love but Joan’s entire world revolved around her son Martin. Her pride and love were expressed constantly throughout the years. Martin you gave your Mom purpose to her days, especially in her latter years.
Joan was a member of our Vesper Group (UCW) until she left for Calgary. She brought laughter and friendship to each one in our group. We always enjoyed her stories. As my Mom is a war bride, and the fact the ladies shared very similar experiences in their early years, was always a binding factor for us.
I am glad Joan is at peace and is in the hands of our Lord. We couldn’t ask for more at this time.
God Bless Martin. We will cherish our memories of Joan.
Dear Marty, Ann and family
Marty, I have so many fond memories of growing up together and the time we spent with your parents on numerous adventures from lunches on 45th back in public school to trips to Myrtle Beach, Dominion Christmas parties, the Brew Crew and Boxing Day open houses. Fabulous memories even after all these years. Your Mom always treated Pam and I like her own and we knew we were always welcome.
Our warmest and most sincere thoughts are with you in this time of sorrow, yet joyous reflection. Your Mom was a truly special person to all of us.
Steve and Pam
I have many fond memories of both Mr & Mrs Hewitt, having grown up across the street from them in Hamilton. However, what I remember most was the kindness and compassion she showed my parents when my Mom became sick. I have always remembered how, if I was at work and Mom was having a bad day I could call Mrs Hewitt and she would sit with Mom until I was able to get there. She gave me such relief knowing she was there. I still tell my children about her compassion
I am sorry for your loss.
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