Condoleante pentru pierderea Mihaelei!
Un gand de compasiune, caldura si intelegere. Spiritul ei va ramane in continuare cu familia si prietenii ei.
Sincerele noastre condoleante pentru pierderea iubitei sotii si mame. Fie ca Dumnezeu sa va dea putere sa treceti peste momentele atit de grele iar amintirile frumoase sa va aduca consolare si pace in suflet. Mihaela a fost parte din familia bisericii noastre si plecarea ei dintre noi este o pierdere pentru toti cei ce au cunoscut-o, chiar si numai din vedere.
Dumnezeu sa o odihneasca in pace!
Stela & Victor Costec
Alex and Julia,
Heartfelt condolences to you both on the passing of Mihaela.
Kind regards, Sue
Dear Alex and Julia,
Our sincere condolences for your loss. Our thoughts & prayers are with you.
Janice & Daryl Sutherland
It was with great sorrow to hear of the loss of your wife. My heart goes out to you and your family at this difficult time in your life.
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of
Mihaela. I enjoyed working with her at Collins Barrow in Red Deer and found her to be a wonderful person.
My prayers are with you and Julie at this time.
It was a great shock to hear about Mihaela. Lisa and I are thinking of you at this difficult time.
Rob, Lisa & Blakely Nord
On the Death of a Friend
No pain is worse than that of grief.
It is a knife that slices deep
Into one’s heart and soul and mind
and can but be soothed with time.
Though sad I was, I understood
what seems bad is often good.
For now in peaceful sleep she lies,
among the trees, beneath the skies.
So who am I to mourn and grieve
for her, whom God has now received
and finally rid her of her pain?
Though blood no more flows through her veins
She is alive! Will always be
In heart and mind and memory.
Dragii nostri,
Fie ca bunul Dumnezeu sa o odihneasca in pace pe draga noastra Mihaela iar pe voi sa va intareasca in aceste momente triste.
Gratiela si Radu Popoviciu
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