Hi Evelyn: I was so saddened to read of Joe’s passing in the Calgary Herald (which I occassionally buy). My sincere condolences go to you and Darell and his family. I hope Joe was not ill for too long. He was always so full of energy and enthusiasum and I always enjoyed hearing of his exploits. He also did our wedding photos.
You and Joe were such great friends of my Mom and Dad (Joyce and George). I have many photos of you four together. I am happy you have Darell with you for support. It will be a sad time for both of you. I know how difficult it is, I still miss both my parents and brother so much.
Please know that we are thinking of you.
James and Sandy McDowell (Fillion)
Evelyn, Darrell & Family
We are all so sorry to hear of your loss. Joe was a wonderful human being and we always looked forward to being able to spend some time with, as my children called him, “Smoky Joe”. While the moment is undoubtedly sad, it is true to say that Joe lived life to the fullest and enriched all he came into contact with. What an incredible legacy he leaves. You have our deepest condolences.
Evelyn, Darrell & Family.
Our heartfelt condolences to you on Joe’s passing. He was a true and sincere friend who was always available to us to assist and help in anyway he could, and will be sorely missed. Loving memories of Joe will live forever in our hearts.
Extending our deep and heartfelt sympathy to you.
Bill & Darlene McClelland
Manzanillo, Mexico.
“Smokey Joe” was a good friend for many years and he will be missed. I had just written his Christmas card when I learned of his passing. There are no words that can replace your loss but rest assured there are many, many people who loved Joe and send their condolences. He will be in my payers. We know he’s in heaven because the Devil would be afraid he’d put out the fires!
To the Lewko Family,
I am so sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of taking a few of of Joe’s lectures with EPIC. He was a wonderful teacher & a beautiful person. I’m glad to have known him.
Laura Badger
Evelyn, Darrell and Family
We are very sorry for your loss and are thinking of you at this time.
I just heard of your Dads’s passing. My wife Doreen and I are very sorry for your loss. Your Dad was a special person who touched the lives of so many of us in wonderful positive ways, myself included. He will be long remembered. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your Mom and your family at this difficult time.
I knew your Dad through EPIC. At my first EPIC meeting he came over to introduce himself and welcome me to the organization. We spent hours talking about how video could be used to document cause and origin. He was a gentlemen in every sense of the word. I will miss him. I want you to know your Dad made a difference not only in my life but also in the lives and investigations of the countless people he taught.
May God bless you and your family.
Wadi Sawabini
Charlotte, Vermont
Our brother-in-law, Joe, was indeed a faithful & true friend, kindhearted & generous; we will miss him greatly but will meet him one day in the hereafter.
My condolences to you, your Mom and your family on the passing of your Dad. I cannot tell how much he meant to my career in the fire department and how much I learned from him on fire investigation and fire photography. He will be missed by the fire community and his friends that he has made over the long years with the CFD and Heritage Park. I hope you have a few minutes on Tuesday to talk in person, if not my blessing to you and your family…Sandy
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