We have such wonderful memories of Fred and are so sorry for his passing. Of course we will always remember his love of the great outdoors, with fishing, golfing and gardening, but his talents extended to many other areas. We have an antique end table that he stripped and refinished beautifully for us, sitting in our living room right now. He was a dear man with a distinctive and frequent chuckle, and we will really miss him. Lots of love to Doreen, Sharon and Harold and families.
Dear Sharon, Bill and families,
Wishing you peace and “together time” to share the warm memories of your wonderful father. I have great memories of our family dinners together in your Banstock backyard. Your Dad was a man of character, opinion, faith and a great story-teller. May you and yours carry his gifts forward.
My dear friend Sharon,
It is a very sad thing to lose a parent. Just know that you were/are a great daughter and your Dad loved you very much.
Love to you, your Mom, Bill and the boys
We are so very sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Walton. Our thoughts are with Mrs. Walton and with Sharon and Bill and their whole family. How wonderful that Mr. Walton had such a long and happy life.
Dear Bill and Sharon,
Tom and I are thinking of you and your family and extend our deepest sympathy. Each time I pour the last few drops of wine into my glass I think of your father and some of the stories that you have shared. There will be no orange lettuce where he is headed! Here’s hoping we can all play golf as long as well as he did! Fred could not have asked for a more loving and attentive daughter and son in law.
Thinking of the family and may it help to know that we care deeply and are remembering you with special thoughts. I’m remembering my Godfather and his love of fishing, making jams and wines. He lived life well and loved his family. Our prayers are with you at this difficult time.
Dearest Doreen, Sharon, Harold and Walton Family:
It seems fitting that Fred would leave us during the month of March and almost a week from St. Patrick’s Day. In one of my last visits with Fred, he seemed very much at peace though he missed the fine cooking from Doreen and Sharon. He spoke lovingly of his family and you could feel how proud he was. We talked about Ireland and he told me about riding his bike from Belfast to Dublin. He said he had done it many times and still recalled the hills and valleys along the route. I will think of him especially in Ireland if we return again someday with our bikes. We have many special recollections of times spent with the Walton Family “growing up” in Willowdale.
On this 11th day of March, the Irish Blessing seems appropriate:
“May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind always be at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rain fall softly upon your fields,
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
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