Dearest Tiffany I think of you all the time. I miss you so much, you were my best friend and a sister to me. I make sure my sons know who you are and how much of an impact you have made on me and my family. I love you with all my heart but there still a massive hole without you here. I love you dearly. My heart goes out to your family they love you more then anything and I would just like to give my dearest love and care for them and you.
Tiff u werent just my cousin u were my best friend and their is not a day that goes by that i dont think of u at least 100 times i love u and miss u so so so so much. Miss ur face my lil love bug xoxoxo of and parker wanted to say hi auntie tiffy love u
Tiffany also had a Father who loved her very much and has been left out and overlooked for the past 2 1/2 years – Mark Cox. His heart broke that day too and will remain broken forever……He loved his “Baby Girl” then and will forever………
Dearest Loved Ones of Tiffany Lynn,
I think of Tiffany from time to time still, but today was especially difficult. I heard a song on the radio from the summer that we spent working together at the Extreme Bean. I decided to google her, and came across the obituary…now I understand why it’s hitting me hard lately — I can’t believe it’s been over a year already.
I love her. I love Jonathan too and always will have amazing memories of their joy and happiness and compassion and generosity.
With all my heart,
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