I worked for Jim for several years and he became a dear friend. There was a pattern of discipline and efficiency in his work habits. He would get all the sticky scheduling issues resolved by 9 am
and then reward himself by filling out The Sun’s daily crossword puzzle which never took him longer than 15 minutes. He liked to say to me with a smile, “You have to kiss the toad before you get the handsome prince”.
He was clever, quick, so fair-minded, such good company. There was a lightness and sparkle in his outlook. I am so grateful to have known him. Fare thee well Jim.
Dianne Smith, Calgary
I am so sad to hear the passing of Jim! My sincere condolences to Joanne, Gwen, and Carson! I have very fond memories of Jim! Back in the mid 70's he used to be a regular customer at our family restaurant called White Tower Pizza! My dad called him Cowboy Jim! My dad and him would always chat about hockey, football, at times politics! Jim was one of a kind funny, whitty, smart, and quite the charmer! May his memory be forever eternal! Vilma Katsantonis
Joanne, Gwynne and Carson, we are so sorry for the loss of such a wonderful person. Jim’s passing has deeply affected our family, as we loved him as part of our own. We will never forget him and will cherish our memories. Love the Noppers family.
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