Virginia had been a participant in the City of Calgary Adapted Fitness program for many many years and thats where I first met her. She was an inspiration and a great friend to all. We knew we could count on her attendance in class....unless of course it was -20 when no sane person dared to venture outside. Virginia was the type of person who was always very positive in her outlook and in her interactions with others. She always had a smile and a greeting for everyone in the class and truly took an interest in each persons life. We used to have celebrations of each person’s birthday during class time and that was where I learned of Virginia’s sweet tooth! In fact, I believe we were the only two who secretly craved the really good Halloween toffees....the kind that were soft and molasses rich! Virginia also seemed to have a photographic memory of anything that ever happened! If you had a question about the name of a play, the year the hospital was torn down, who was who in government.....she literally knew it all!! And finally, Virginia always expressed a great love for her family and their traditions. She would often regale us with stories of family visits, their visits to the lake and the annual Canada Day serenade they used to get. She was a wonderful lady and her memory will stay with me forever❤️
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