Our heartfelt condolences to you, your mother, Bozenna and Karel on the passing of your father, Czseslaw. May your sorrow be eased with rich memories of your father’s life and dedication to family and knowing that his dreams and hopes for you, and now together with Karel, live on in your life and spirit.
…Ron and Sandy Wey
That is a great loss for all of us that have known Czeslaw and were lucky to feel his calmness, kindness and care. He always engaged in meaningful conversations and was ingeniously interested in other people's passions and adventures. Having his around was a bliss and he really deeply cared for other's successes and struggles comforting those that needed some good ear. He was my best friend;s father and I felt accepted by him and his wife, Bozena as a part of family. I spent many Christmas get together with them and I couldn't be more grateful for having an opportunity to share laughter, tears and stories with his family. He has touched my soul and he won't be forgotten.
I am very sad that he suffered for so long and that he passed away. His family is in deep sadness and feels emptiness.
His presence was always calming and inviting.
I can't imagine how devastating his absence is going to be.
I am very very sorry that you lost your dear father, Agnieszka; your dear husband, Mrs. Bozena and your great buddy (father in law), Karel.
I wish I could be there with you to support you. I think of you all often and I hope the time will somehow heal the raw wounds.
Love you very much!
rest in peace, Mr. Czeslaw!
I wasn't that lucky to spend enough time with uncle Czeslaw, and to know him better. But he was this kind of person that you remeber surprisingly well and only in a good way. His sense of humor, bright mind, calm and friendly attitude toward others - all of these were so unique and powerfull that I will never forget. I am very sorry for your loss, but Czeslaw is still here in our hearts. Maciej Michałek
Cindy and Wayne Simpson
Our condolences to his family. Leo was a great craftsman, and wonderful person. He was always happy and his work in our home always reminds us of him. So sorry for your loss.
We are very sorry to learn of Leo's death. He was a very charming and engaging man of great talent and integrity. He did so much excellent work in our house. It was always a pleasure to have a glass of wine with him when he finished for the day. When we look at any part of our house, Leo will always be there.
Steve and Jan Wojick
Z CZESŁAWA to był niezły numer!
Zawsze byliśmy blisko.
Odprowadzał mnie do przedszkola, a kiedy graliśmy z dzieciakami w wojnę, to z duma byłam jego łączniczka.
Znałam jego sekrety i kryłam Go skutecznie przed Rodzicami, a kiedy jako mała dziewczynka zwierzyłam się ,
ze marze o pluszowym misiu, to mi kupił. W wojsku , ale to nic. Mis, którego dostałam będąc już w liceum cieszył podwójnie.
Zaskakiwał i skutecznie rozśmieszał.
Był najlepszym starszym bratem , cudownym przyjacielem.
Zawsze obecny, zawsze wesoły i lubiany.
Od początku odważnie szedł swoja droga i nigdy się nie bal, nawet na końcu tej drogi tez się nie bal..
Bardzo Cie kocham Czesław
Twoja siostra Ania
"Nawet jeśli odejdziesz
miłość pozostanie" B.H.
Wujek Czesław był dla mnie jak Dziadek (jego tata).
Zawsze łagodny i spokojny, taki fabrycznie zadowolony.
Lubił ludzi, wszystkich i był ciekaw ich historii.
Nie bal się żadnej pracy i żadnego tematu do rozmowy.
Śmiał się głośno i szczerze.I zawsze troszczył się o innych.
Potrafił pięknie słuchać drugiego człowieka.
Mial fantastyczne poczucie humoru. Pamiętam jak kiedyś nabrał mnie, mówiąc ,ze obok windy czeka na mnie konik.
Był tak przekonujący, ze pobiegłam sprawdzić.
Czesław kochał swoja rodzinę, tak jak kochał życie.
Bedzie nam nudno bez Niego...
So sorry to hear about Czeslaw's passing. He was a talented man. My entire family including Allan and Katrin pass on our thoughts and heartfelt condolences to your family.
Trish and I are sorry for your loss, our hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow.
Simon & Trish Bordeniuk
Dear Aggy
With a heavy heart TRish and I send our best wishes to you and your Mom.
Having the opportunity to be with your Dad to the end can never be replaced.
Although your dad is now at peace, no one can ever take away your family memories.
We send positive karma to both of you.
With much love
Steve & Trish Panz
My deepest sympathy to you and your family Bozenna.
I am very saddened to hear of your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
Please let me know if you need anything, I'll always be here for you!
Our deepest sympathy, our thoughts and prayers for you and your family during a difficult time.
Nannette and Sarianna
I'm sorry for your loss. Czeslaw had been a great man. I will pray for you and family.
Bozenna, I wish you and your family strength and wonderful memories. Thinking of you and sending peaceful thoughts. - Aline
My deepest sympathy to you and your family, B. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
We're sadden by this news. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family!!
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