Dorothy and family,
St. Thomas is grieving with you and will be with you all in spirit as you celebrate Allan's life. I am so honoured to be a part of the service and look forward to hearing many more stories of Allan! My memory of him is Allan being someone who was very open minded, family oriented, and proud as punch of his kids and their families. He always talked about you all and I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Allan theologically. He was so much fun and I will miss him dearly.
Rev. Tracy Robertson (she/her), St. Thomas United Church
Friday, June 12, 2020
Allan was a true honest, good man, with highest regard for his family. Also, known to tell a joke or two. You are missed, rest in peace. Ken
Dearest Carolyn , Sherry, Jeanette and Dorothy
I have so many memories of times with your father and yourselves. I cannot pick one special moment just that his kindness and always being willing to help were and are so important to me. i guess one funny great example is when he came to fix the way I had changed the tire. As always he was kind and helpful and never blinked at my mistake .
I have missed him many many times over the years.
Please accept my condolences for you, your families and Dorothy. I miss you all. Carolyn, please accept my heartfelt condolences and that my thoughts are with you and your family..
Sending deep love to Dorothy, Carolyn, Sherry, Jeanette and your families. We are grieving Allan’s death with you. He was one of our closest friends since Leduc days in the 70’s; and we will miss him greatly.
I’ve been speaking with the other families of our ‘Grey Cup Gang’. Irene and Harold, Glen, and I are remembering Al with great fondness and high regard, and holding Dorothy in our hearts. We have had so much fun together over the years! So many rich memories of four couples, four families sharing life. We will be with you in spirit on June 12th. Love always,
Marg Hetherington
We were very saddened to hear of Allan's passing. Our deepest sympathy and prayers are with Dorothy and their families.
Allan and Dorothy have been special friends since we met them at Highland Swingers Square Dance Club in 2006.
We have had many wonderful visits at each others' homes.
Since we moved to Rocky Mountain House in 2012 we have continued to get together whenever we could.
They are missed and will be always loved.
Love from Joan and Lord Beaudin
Dear Dorothy:
So very sorry to hear of Allen’s passing.
My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Will miss seeing his smiling face at church.
Stella Pickles
Dear Auntie Dorothy, Caroline, Sherry, Jeanette and families,
We were very saddened to hear about Uncle Allan’s passing. I think back to all the times you came to my parents, either with your tent trailer, the green camping van or in later years the mini van. Your parents came at least once or twice a year to visit my folks and later my Mom; that meant a lot to her. The were always up for adventure. Even later with the motor home and your Dad’s motorbike. He loved to tinker about and do any odd job you had to do. Out for walks and bicycle rides keeping busy. When I had children, he would take them for walks and bike rides too. I remember your folks showing us their square dances and loved being out together. Your Dad was so kind and gentle, funny and a witty sense of humour. I never saw him upset, he just rolled with the punches. Your folks also saw us through some tough times when my Dad was sick in Calgary and later when my husband was seriously injured. I know how important family was to him. He will be truly missed.
Melissa, Len, Megan and David Howe
Our sincerest condolences to all of you, Dorothy, Carolyn, Sherry and Jeanette and families. It is really hard to put into words the depth of my empathy as you move through the next days and weeks and months learning how to live with this new normal of Allan not here with you in body. It is so hard to turn the page as we say goodbye to parents and partners but I know that the strength of your family unit will carry (and at times drag) you though it. Take good care and I hope that you find peace and strength from all of your memories and the love he has left in your hearts.
I am pretty sure that he and Mom and Bob are having a hoot up there!!
with love,
Joanne (Trimble) Pennington and Wayne, Brett, Jenna and Devon
My condolences to My Auntie Dorthy and family. Uncle Allan was a big part of my life. They always brought my cousins for visits in the farm. Uncle Allan taught me to ride my bike is one of my fondest memories. Our first and only trip out of province was to Leduc to visit them, where they took us to Al Omings Park and swimming. And Auntie Dorthy made us the best lasagna and for Dessert and we had cantaloupe and icecream! I had the best cousins Carolyn, Sherry and Jeanette. I remember playing with a hamster also. I was used to farm animals, and remember my cat would of ate the poor little hamster for supper. Later in years, after I was married, My husband and I came to Edmonton to work for the winter. I was pregnant with my first child, Hali...Uncle Allan took me for my first Dr. Appointment.
I remember craving watermelon one night, and they showed up one evening with a watermelon! Just like they knew how much I needed them that evening to just show up. Another fond memory was when we brought Hali and Joel to Calgary and spent a nice evening with them . My daughter Hali ( now 26) went for visit 2 years ago in Calgary with them. How special for her to be able to spend time with her Great Uncle Allan and Auntie Dorthy. I will always cherish my gentle, kind Uncle. And I will miss him. Love to all of you. God Bless you.
Your niece and cousin Patti Skarpinsky and family.
Dear Dorothy and family,
We were saddened to hear of Allan’s passing. He was a very sweet man and we will miss him.
Take good care of each other,
Elaine & David Gray
We were so saddened to hear of Al's passing. We met through the Square-Dance community and always noted how sociable, pleasant and accommodating Al was. A true Gentleman!
May your memories keep you strong, Dorothy and family .Al enriched all of us!!
geo & Karen Komanac
Dear Dorothy and family, Allan will be missed by our St. Thomas United Church family. He was funny, kind, real and most of all generous with his time and neighbourliness. We share your loss and hold you in our hearts and prayers. May you find strength in the love of family and in the warm embrace of friends, albeit virtually at this time.
Marj & Leo Aucoin
My deepest sympathy in the loss of Allan. May the fond memories you share of your time together help you through this very sad time. I knew Allan as a member of St. Thomas United Church. He had such a wonderful sense of humour! Take care!
Cheryl Lang
Dear Dad, I can’t believe you are no longer with us. You were such a kind, honest, funny, hardworking man. You were the best father and grandfather anyone could have. You will forever be in our hearts. Miss and love you, Sherry.
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