It’s been a month. I miss our conversations. Didn’t call enough and I know that but I knew you understood. Love you dad!
My Father. I have so much to share but through my tears cannot express what should be shared.
His passing was such a shock that processing it and coming to terms with it just yet has not happened. I miss him so much and I wish he had not left us. He did not suffer long and that I am greatfull for. What I can tell you is that he made everyone feel welcomed into his life and home.. No child was ever unentertained by him.
He would have them mesmerized by a simple Magnet that magically floated across a table.
As time goes by memories will cross me and I will post here with hopes you all feel and remember my dad the way I do.
We all hope you are looking down at us smiling knowing we will one day be ok with your passing. And pray you are at peace.
Love you Daddy
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