Uncle Lenard & Aunt Cathy always enjoyed entertaining & very hospitable to family, friends & made sure you felt comfortable. Always a lot of food, drinks & many laughs. Aunt Cathy always went through so, much effort to prepare the perfect meal & what ever she made was so delicious & uncle Len was famous for his homemade wine that Aunt Cathy help make. He enjoyed the compliments when you told him his wine was the best. After a delicious meal & homemade desert we would relax for awhile then came out the cards & we had to either play “I buy” or four handed rookie but there had to be money involved as uncle Len enjoyed gambling & taking your money but sometimes he didn’t always win but either way he enjoyed it. Also, have fond memories of going to the Flames games with Aunt Cathy as she really enjoyed live flames games & the seats were great & made the experience memorable. Uncle Len gave me his seat because he said the flames don’t skate hard enough lol. He liked a lot of action & didn’t feel he was getting his money’s worth but I was happy to take his place. Great memories of all kinds with uncle Len & aunt Cathy & wish I, could turn back time. My condolences to the family & everyone who was close to them.
My condolences, although I've not been in contact with Aunt Cathy for a very long time I have fond memories of visits to Uncle Len's & Aunt Cathy's when I was little.
Always a comforting home & the familiar sound of KISS coming from cousin Brad's room.
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