My deepest condolences to You and your family all the way from Montreal. I will miss our talks. Miss you my beautiful lady Rest In Peace God Bless ♥️
On this day when we groan for ourselves over the loss of Rosanna among us, we glory in the fact that she is living with Jesus. In conversations and observations of Rosanna's life, I always felt that something a “big bang” happened in her life. From that point onward, you could never stop her from exploring what it meant and pursuing where it would lead her. What was that life-changing event? “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” That simple thought was the fuel that ignited the heart of Rosanna. When I think of Rosanna, I will always remember the amazing and passionate person she was on many levels. But, my memory will always lead me back to that simple realization that made her who she was: Jesus loves me. Ephesians 2:10 describes her: Rosanna, you are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do the good works God has prepared in advance for you to do. Thank you Rosanna for your devotion to joining God in what He is doing in this world. It made you a great grandmother, a great mother, a great spouse, and a good friend to all of us. My prayers are with you Bill, Tabitha and Bill Jr. - Larry Nutbrown
Rosanna was a wonderful lady and I have missed our late night talks. My deepest condolences to her family.
Sending sincere condolences to all the family! While we may have never met (to the best of my knowledge) my late partner Louis was related to you all and I know that he will be accepting her in Heaven with the rest of the family! Just remember, when it rains, it is their tears from Heaven landing on your cheeks!! God Bless you Roseanna...Rest In Peace!!
Rosanna and I met while working. I always arrived early and therefore got the opportunity to befriend her. We met up half way between her home and Calgary to spend hours chatting. Rosanna was gifted a pair of my beginner knit slippers to keep her toes warm - as she warmed my heart. <3 My deepest condolences to her family and friends. Heaven is glowing with her light.
You're smile and laughter was always so warm. I may have only known you for a short while but I know you were a wonderful person and while your Family and Friends will miss you, God is happy to have you as one of his angles. Big hug to Tab, Brad Haddy and the rest of your family.
"Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.
Beautiful lady, inside and out, faithful to her Lord, a warrior to the end. May you now find peace with your Lord. We will miss you and know that one day we will meet again. Blessings to your family as they work through your passing, may they have a peace and strength for what comes their way. On behalf of the Boisclair family, I say we love you and look forward to seeing you again one day.
Debbie McGuire (Boisclair), Darcy, Angie and family, Michelle and family.
Oh Rosanna! Your voice, many will be listening to your recordings and remembering how your heart shone through when you sang. I so enjoyed singing worship songs on Sunday mornings. Your energy, your desire to give God your best and lead the congregation to see HIM. I can't imagine the joy in heaven! May your family be blessed and comforted knowing that you have received the "goal of your salvation"!
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