It hasn't been easy to write thoughts to share about grandma. As I've thought about her life and the impact she has had on me I thought about many of the memories we had of her. One example I remember was when I stayed the night (it so happened the tooth fairy came that night too) and she was entertaining us, acting out as some kind of monster in a story, leaving the living room from one side and tromping into the the room from the other side, she would never disappoint in showing how to have fun. It is easy to picture her doing the same with her twin sister growing up (and even as adults). She missed her sister and I anticipated a reunion with her.
Another memory I have is spending time in Grandma’s backyard as a young kid, she had a love for art that was expressed in her yard. The tall evergreen trees and her gardens brought her a lot of joy.
Even when she was older, she appreciated the world around her and loved to be in nature. Her home was like no other, grandma and grandpa's home felt in many ways foreign to my own, from the stained glass light above the table, candles and regular classical music; it was a home that would come alive quickly: group drumming sessions, burning fingers trying to make wax finger caps by dipping our fingers in the melted wax to Todd igniting grandma's hair on fire making the living room a brighter place to be. Her artwork is appreciated by all who see it and she gave much of it away. One day I hope her works can be organized for others to see.
Grandma had a kind heart and fun personality that I learned to greater appreciate as I got older. Sometimes I would call her and it seemed she and everyone would end up laughing. She would joke that aliens were causing distortions in the phone calls or that the government was listening to our calls. I hope they had as much fun listening to our calls as we did!
Grandma taught me to smile more. I remember her sharing how a random stranger smiled at her in the store and how it cheered up her day. I've always remembered that and try to smile at others when I walked by. Grandma instilled a love of art in our family. My mom's (Sharon) talent and others have been influenced by her.
Importantly, I am grateful for is her and grandpa's decision to raise their children with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I recall sharing with her how it had been a blessing and it was nice to hear about her faith journey and better appreciate what she had done. I think one thing that helped her was a hope in a better world. I miss her and I appreciate the times we were able to spend with her later in life. The love I saw as my parents looked after her in the last few years of her life illustrated the great love that can exist in families. A few years before her health began to decline she joked how my mom was in many ways her mom. In many ways we could see this how the two of them grew that strong bond caring for each other. I have no doubt that God placed them where they needed to be. It was not easy for her in many ways, in particular as she struggled with her health, but her hope and life are a reminder of what matters most. Till we meet again.
You brought shared moments of laughter into my life, miss you my friend.
Elizabeth Ritchie
I will always have fond memories of Grandma. Visiting her was always a blast: exploring her beautiful garden, playing her many drums and flutes, listening to that old clock and stealing cookies from the cupboard (I still remember getting caught). Grandma taught me the importance of humour and creativity. In her later years, she was unable to paint and draw as often and she passed on a few of her brushes and pencil crayons to me. I often think of her as I paint and draw and I will always feel inspired by her passion for the arts. We love you grandma, may your spirit live on in happiness and know that you are and will always be loved.
My condolences to you all! Not sure if anyone is ever ready to say good-bye!
Thinking back to growing up only 2 doors down from each other was one of my fondest memories and realizing how we were all related still makes me chuckle!
All the days spent at the house and remembering different things only makes my heart smile just a bit more! I still think of her baking and one of my favourite where some cookie dough balls with cherries! Still have no idea how to make them or find anything like it ever. She defiantly was blessed with a beautiful voice and remember many nights listening to her. She had a laugh that will be embedded in my mind forever. Thinking of you all and sending warm hugs to you all!
Mom's sense of humor was absolutely wonderful! When we were young and Auntie June would visit, we would watch in wonder at how much they looked alike and sounded alike when they laughed, and they did plenty of that! Mom was talented musically and had a beautiful voice. She used to sing " The party's over" and I loved hearing her sing. She had rhythm and I remember one time her showing me how she could tap dance a little and I had no idea. She was full of adventure and wonder. She would oil paint many hours and I can smell the linseed oil just thinking about it. She would paint my face for Halloween like a witch almost every year in elementary school and I would look so witchy I would win prizes. She cared about others and taught us to be kind and treat all people equal. She had a big heart, and understood suffering which helped her know how to comfort others. She made Christmas magical and made the best Christmas pudding ever! She loved gardening and enjoyed colourful flowers. Her and I share the same love for " chocolate"! She was unique in every way! A special thank you to my angel sister for the countless hours of care she provided Mom. ❤️
My deepest condolences to the Family .. Aunty will be very missed . I have nothing but happy good memories of Aunty and I’m so grateful for the years I had to spend with her .. always so lovely to sit with her and listen to her stories and to hear her wisdom ,or just sit and listen to her play her drums and many flutes , to have big laughs with her with her awesome sense of humour . She was such a colourful person . I learned much from her .. I’m am so sad for her passing , but part of me is happy she will unite with her dear sister ( Juney) again , who she missed tremendously . Aunty was a magnificent Soul .
Mom was always up for a laugh and playing tricks like hiding and jumping out behind a corner or dressing up in a white sheet way past her bedtime to catch me after a late halloween night. When I was younger she would take me to the river bottom while she spent hours painting and she spent many hours at the Church, helping others decorate weddings etc. I remember her always doing kind things like that and sending me out to take things to people or have me shovel a walk for widows in the neighbourhood.
Mom almost always prepared dinner and a dessert which I looked forward to after hours of sports practice, she would make up a plate so I could heat it up after her and my dad had already eaten. We enjoyed listening to music and she would always be open to listening to new music I brought home, the lyrics of Kenny Rogers are burned into my memory from her playing his record. She didn't judge people and was open minded and curious about all kinds of things. While she didn't seem to have the best childhood, she made up for it with her years of serving her family as our fun, colorful and caring mom. We Love You Mom!
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