I am in shock, years later, to find out she passed away. I feel so very sad! I had no idea! I was helping her with her book "Tommy and the Magic Shoes" by editing it with her on her computer. It was almost complete when I had to leave her in September 2011. So sorry to hear about this almost 5 years later. I wished for her book to get published :(
I read Theodora's "Poems in the Attic" and was looking forward to "Tommy & the Magic Shoes." She was a kind person. When we talked by phone, she had classical music playing in the background. She is truly a wonderful person!
I didn't realize that Thea had passed away ... she was a friend of mine since she was Dean of Women at the Fairview College in the late 1960s. We kept in touch throughout the years and I am shocked and saddened to hear that she passed away almost six months ago!!! I will greatly miss our conversations.
Theodora was an awesome customer of mine. I will miss her. We spoke until December, when she said she was having breathing issues, not knowing her end was near. She spoke of the books she was writing and the passion for reading. She read to my wife and to I while I was loading my truck. I stopped several times to sit and listen to her speak. We have lost a great author, passionate literary person, passionate gardener. She has now gone home to read to those whom will enjoy what we have enjoyed here. May her wisdom inspire us to be better readers and people. May her passion inspire us to be better people. She saw good in all of us.
To Theodora's family...please know I did not know your mother well, but she sat right in front of the a/v booth each morning. We made sure she got communion, at her seat if needed. When it was time to wish each other"peace" my daughter and I made her our first priority. She had a comforting, and peaceful way...and a great smile! After reading about her accomplishments you can be proud of her and know that she made a great impression on many. My daughter and I just wanted you to know that she was a pleasure to know. God Bless you..she is inour prayers.
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