Dear Kirsten's family: I am so sorry for your loss. I was surprised to hear of her passing yesterday. Kirsten was always a vibrant and very healthy woman. I met Kirsten as her optometrist 20 years ago. I last saw her in the fall of 2022 and will always remember her warmth, kindness, gentle spirit and genuine smiles, good humour and how she so dearly missed Ole. She would love to share about her grand kids and how much joy they brought her. I will miss you dear Kirsten, may you rest in peace and I trust you are with your dear Ole again.
Sending my condolences to your family.
Dr Sonja Hagemann
Dear Suzanne, Michael and your families.
We were saddened to learn, just this afternoon, of your mom’s unexpected death. Phil and I extend our sincere condolences to all of you. We last saw your mom a few months ago at the grocery store, where especially in during winter months, is when we’d catch up with our conversations and with news of our families. During the summer we often saw each other on walks in the neighbourhood, or she’d stop by for a cup of tea or a visit on our front porch. She was alway so delighted to speak about you and especially about the grandchildren and the love and joy you brought to her life.
I shall miss her beautiful smile, warmth and caring heart, and I recall her patience years ago at the quilt shop when I’d ask questions about a project.
Amidst the sadness and tears, may memories bring smiles and some consolation. We shall remember Kirsten with fondness.
Our sincere regards,
Pat and Phil Morris
I met your mother at a weekly pilates session that we attended together, just the two of us. I really enjoyed her company. I'm so sorry for her unexpected passing. She was such a lovely, warmhearted person. Through your Mom, I felt like I got to know you as well.
My condolences for your loss,
Pirkko Rafaat
Dear Mike, Mandy & the boys. We are so sorry to hear about your mom Kerstin. She was a lovely jolly woman who loved her grandkids. I always enjoyed talking to her and still cherish the beautiful quilt she made me. I’m sure she is somewhere enjoying a lovely cuddle with Ole and looking down warmly on you all!!
Warm greetings from Sharon, Jörn and the kiddies ❤️
Mormor and I had gotten really close over the past couple years. We emailed each other often, and I introduced her to bullet journaling, which she quickly came to love. Of course, she was my grandmother, but she also felt like my friend. We exchanged song recommendations and sent each other messages on Pinterest. I really admired her openness in embracing my interests, which she seemed to see as opportunities for us to get closer to one another. She had so much love to give, and sometimes that felt overwhelming to me, but it's something that I'm extremely grateful for now. I don't like hugs, but when I think about the fact that I'll never hug my Mormor again, it makes me want to cry. I will miss her more than I could ever express, and I will carry my wonderful memories of her with me throughout the rest of my life.
My deepest condolences to your family. I have been Kirsten’s massage therapist for years. She was always very genuine. Her family meant everything to her and she would always talk about them with great joy. I have always been inspired by her zest for life. I’m grateful to have met her and will miss her .
Bobbie Lu-Kopf
Jeg sender min dybeste medfølelse til Susanne og Michael samt deres familier.
Netop i disse dage for 48 år siden rejste Kirsten, Jørn Ole og Susanne til Canada. Senere blev Michael født.
Tre gange har jeg og min familie besøgt i Calgary, hvor vi fik et godt indblik i deres liv derover.
Kirsten var en dejlig og kærlig storesøster og vi havde det fantastisk sammen.
Geografisk har vi været langt fra hinanden i mange år, men til trods for det var vi meget tæt knyttet til hinanden.
Derfor bliver det et stort savn at skulle undvære hende og vores lange telefonsamtaler.
Jeg er utrolig taknemlig for hendes besøg sidste sommer sammen med Susanne og familien. Det tænker jeg tilbage på med
stor glæde.
Tak Kirsten for alt det vi havde sammen.
Ære været Kirsten's minde.
Kærlige tanker fra søster Elna
We want to express our condolences to all of Kirstens family after her unexpected death. We know that she missed Jorn Ole very much after his sudden death. Jorn Ole and I became friends in 1956 when we met each other in a local school - Ronne Privatskole - here in Ronne on the island Bornholm. We - my Kirsten and I - have known Kirsten for more than 50 years after she and Jorn Ole became sweethearts. And we have been fortunate to have visits when they returned from Canada to Bornholm. We will always remember her kindness, good humor and warm smiles.
Kirsten and Thomas Thors
Dear Susanne and Michael - and Aron and Mandy + your lovely offspring.
Kirsten missed Jorn Ole, and now they are reunited.
We will miss them both - and off course you will all be sad and cling to memories.
So will we. When some one passes away a long row of memories suddenly turn up out of the blue, just like a farewell greeting.
I suddenly remember dozens of happy times together with Jorn Ole and Kirsten on Bornholm, in Horsens and when we took the long way to Calgary or they went the other way home to danish soil.
You always left a meeting with Jorn Ole and Kirsten in an optimistic mood, that all will be good if you just behave in accordance with our solid Bornholmian upbringing regarding a humble, diligent and honest working life, and a loving and caring family life.
Kirsten will always stand bright in our memory as a fighter for those values.
We wish we could be there with you these days.
Be brave and remember all the happy hours.
Kind regards from Carsten, Karen, Kira, Anders, Jakob, Kristian + spouses and all 8 grandchildren.
Dear Kirsten,
It is hard to understand that you have left us. In my memory you will always live on.
In the 50s and 60s we saw each other regularly on Bornholm. I have such fond recalls of those days. There are many bright memories from childhood that never will fade. When I was a small child, you were sometimes my comfort in life. I got to sit on your lap and hold your hand. Safe and joyful.
As the years went by, we didn't see each other very often. You had your life filled with experiences, on two continents. I am very happy that we met at Elna's house in Svaneke in August 2022. You were just like you. You conveyed the same quiet security, now as before.
Thanks for all the sweet memories. I will continue to think of you with warmth. Our thoughts are now with your family and loved ones.
Many dear hugs from your cousin Lars and wife Anna
So sorry to hear of your loss Mike and Many our condolences go out to you and all the West family.
May god be good to her.
Gerard Josie and family Ireland.
Dear Susanne and Aron, Michael and Mandy, and all you lovely grandchildren: we are so sorry that Kirsten is no longer here. She loved you all so much, she was a wonderful, cheerful mother and grandmother and always told proudly about you all with much loyalty and empathy.
I will miss my dear sister-in-law very much. Since Jorn Ole died we became very close and had good and long telephone talks about our own lives and about memories of our dear family members who have passed away. And about current matters in the world – Kirsten always had an opinion about all subjects. And we laughed a lot - Kirsten had a fine sens of humour. But most of all we talked about our lovely grandchildren and how much joy they brought into our lives.
I am so happy that we visited Kirsten and you all in 2018 after Jorn Ole died - we have so many good memories from then. And we are happy that Kirsten together with Susanne and your family stayed with us for some days in Copenhagen during your visit to Denmark in August last year.
Kirsten was the connecting link between our families in Denmark and Canada.
I hope that we can stay in touch with emails and telephone talks. You are always welcome to come and stay with us in our house if you come to Copenhagen.
I wish you all a good day on Thursday - we will send you all our warmest thoughts.
We would have liked to be there with you.
Mange kærlige hilsner og knus til jer alle sammen
Birgitte og Kristoffer
We have been shocked and saddened by the loss of Kirsten. Kirsten became part of our family with time spent together at the hockey rink and family gatherings.
Mike and Suzi, you both were her pride and joy and not only were you blessed to have her as your Mom but she was truly blessed to have you both as her children. She was and still is so proud of you both and her beautiful, talented grandchildren that she lived for.
Take solace in knowing that she is now with your Dad and you have two angels watching over you from heaven.
Love Paddy, Jocelyn, Anthony, and Neeve
It is with much sorrow and heavy hearts to hear of Kirstens passing, she will be deeply missed. She touched the lives of so many people, especially her family, with her love of sewing and quilting. Leaving many beautifully memories stitched together with her love and kindness, a piece of her to hold onto and cherish. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family during this difficult time.
London fogs and coffee visits...picking and planning the next set of colors for sewing... sharing stories and laughter... Cheers to you Kirsten we will hold you in our hearts always! Joanie, Kelsey, Jo and All the other ladies from The Stitchery.
We are very sorry to hear of your mom's passing. She was a very important part of our walking group. I enjoyed talking about grandchildren and what they were up to as we walked our beautiful city. Kirsten will be missed by all. We send hugs and warm thoughts to all the family. Sue and Lee
With great sorrow and deep sympathy we learned about your loss. Kirsten will be sorely missed by her many friends. May the support of friends bring comfort and may memories of beautiful times ease the pain. We wish Kirsten’s family comfort and strength during this very sad time.
Linda & Roger Hesse
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