Many great memories of uncle Don, and my wonderful aunt Islay. In case you did not know I was the favourite nephew. I have pictures for those that don’t believe. I remember when Don and Islay were
dating back in the 50’s and them taking me and my sister Judy for ice cream in Don’s convertible, big deal back then. Don letting 2 kids have ice cream in his car just to impress his beloved Islay . What a guy!! Not many people had convertibles. Later I always had at least 2 golf games a year
. Don would play with moi at the Highwood member guest, and Shannon and I would have a game on him at his beloved Silver Springs. Many, Christmas’s we had together, in those days we did Christmas like nobody else , started at 11am and ended ? such wonderful times. All the best to Craig, Dean, Blair, and Noreen, such great parents you guys had.
Sincere condolences to Islay and Family from the Bailey's, former good neighbors in Varsity Estates many long years ago. One of our good memories are the Octoberfest parties we attended in the neighborhood back then, until we moved our different ways. So sorry to hear of Don's passing and our prayers go out to you and your family. Al and Joyce!
Sincere condolences from Jean Brown and her daughter Laurie. We were neighbors of The Roppela In Briar Hill.
Many happy memories of both of your parents at your grandparents . Don was a exceptional individual .
Our condolences and thoughts are with all of you following the passing of Don.
We have many found memories, particularly around what a wonderful host he was on all those Christmas Eves. Whether it was sharing a dram or two from his wonderful collection of scotch or trying to get him to play Trivial Pursuit, his love of family and friends was very evident.
He was always warm and gracious towards us.
With our prayers,
Chris, Karen and Sam
Dearest Craig, Dean, Noreen, Blair and families of Don and Islay,
It is with heavy hearts that we extend our sympathy on the death of your Dad.
We have such wonderful memories of our long friendship.
May his soul rest in Peace and may God's peace enfold you as you travel through this sad time.
With love and prayers,
Al and Millie Krenzel
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