My sincerest condolence as I was unable to attend Alice’s funeral. My greatest memories are when Don, the girls and I would stop at the house on are way skiing, and how Alice would greet these for our short visits but always treasured.
My sincerest condolence, Elaine Bakewell & Family
Dear Gerry and Terry,
It was with sadness that I learned your mom had been overcome by cancer. My thoughts and prayers will be with you as you celebrate the life of a beautiful and elegant lady. You have lost your mother, and me, a wonderful friend. Following is part of a letter I was writing but could not finish. Perhaps by sharing it with you, Alice will also know.
Dear Alice,
… Alice, I am reminded of how you and Ken welcomed me into your family as a stranger way back in the 50’s ‘the good old days’. You were kind, gracious and considerate and you have not changed a bit in the many years that have passed. What great times we have had in so many different places. Like Calgary family gatherings, fishing in Sundry, fording the river on a fishing trip where I ripped the drain plug from the gas tank and you had to open your car doors to let the current pass under your feet, and then in Vegas with black hands from the one eyed bandits, swimming in the bay at Hannanuma Hawaii, in Houston, Lake Conroe, Galveston, San Antonio, Sequim and more. What great times and memories. I know I have forgotten many but you can add to the list, as you never forget a thing. I should also thank you again for the many breakfasts, lunches, dinners and teas you prepared- always good and serving them with a beautiful smile.
Dear Terry and Garry,
I am unable to attend your mother’s funeral, but my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
My sincerest condolences,
Miady Lukacs
We send heartfelt condolences to you all.
Aunt Alice held a special place in so many peoples hearts over the years. We will celebrate the warmth, giggles and stories we shared with Aunt Alice. May you all find comfort in each other and in celebration of your memories of Alice’s life.
Love Shirley and Ken Lewko
Terry and Elaine we were very sorry to read about your mother’s death in today’s Herald. I know her death was expected but her loss will be painful for you.
We hope that happy memories will help you through this sad time.
Our thoughts and deepest sympathy are with you and your family.
Bob and Bonnie McLean
Aunt Alice was very special to me. Her wonderful smile and big hug always greeted me at her door. We had many many good times together. I will treasure her last trip with me in May. Shirley and I really enjoyed our ‘girl time’ with her. Alice was so kind, thoughtful and always ready for a good laugh. I will be thinking of you all as you celebrate Alice’s life.
Love Audrey
Gary and Terry,
We were saddened to hear about the passing of your mother. We both have the most favorable memories of Alice who was so supportive and hospitable to us during our times in Calgary. We are thinking of you and your families during this sad time and offer our sincere condolences. We will honor Aunt Alice in thoughtful reflection on August 1st, but will be unable to attend her funeral. Deepest sympathy to you both and to your families, John and Diane Wilkinson
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